Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ribboned Courts

What a woman wants: comfy fun shoes to wear on sundays or working days that don't scream work or sensibility but are still a hoot to wear and won't give me blisters after a 20 minute walk.

Found: fun pair of shoes which however did not quite pass the blister test of a 20 minute walk from buona vista MRT station to my office in Holland Village. Too bad...but I'm still hoping to break them in.

At any rate, these shoes were discovered at a sale at one of my one-time favourite shoe stores called Pretty Fit and since they only cost just under S$30 I figured they were a good buy even if they didn't pass the blister test. Needless to say, I did try to then buy some cushioning for the edges of the back of the shoe but the supermarket only had those little edge things in black. Alas, clearly supermarket stockers (undoubtedly male) have no clue that girls' shoes come in many colours other than black. What's a girl to do??

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