Saturday, July 14, 2007

Time to Smell the Flowers

I don't spend nearly enough time in the garden but when I do, it invariably imparts a sense of peace, quiet growth and contentment. As a zen proverb has it: Spring comes, and the grass grows all by itself. Sometimes it is indeed much better to simply sit back and let things unfold whether this is at work, or at play.

After allowing much of the stress of work and living in crowded little red dot of a city, I began to feel like a hamster trapped in an overcrowded burrow. So I am now making time to let the garden grow into my soul, letting its gentle peace seep in naturally simply by sitting amidst the plants.

So the picture you see above shows two of the profusion of halia flowers or ginger flowers which have been unexpectedly flourishing for a period in my parent's garden, tended lovingly by our Indonesian maid. I chose these in particular for the first entry on the garden for being especially large, spectacular and tropical. Hopefully they will continue to periodically flourish for many years to come.

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