Sunday, February 10, 2008

Coconut & Lemongrass Ice Cream

Our domestic helper is a whizz in the kitchen. This weekend she decided to turn her hand to ice cream and after she figured out (from me) that the recipe's mention of an ice cream maker was unnecessary (as I told her the word "alternatively" meant she could still use the manual method), she turned out an intensely flavoured ice cream redolent of my childhood. The lemongrass gave it both a nice tanginess as well as a lemony aroma which was not too sharp and citrusy. I could taste the coconut but what surprised me was that the end taste was actually reminiscent of condensed milk: another childhood comfort flavour. It must be all that sugar and cream and maybe she used brown sugar or gula melaka?

The texture, for those who like their ice cream to be creamy and smooth, is not that great because it does need stirring every hour for the first 2-3 hours. Otherwise ice crystals form within. However my mother who grew up with homemade ice cream actually much prefers this nostalgic, icy, flaky texture so I guess in our home, that's the way it will continue to be made. However for those who didn't grow up in that era, but instead on the rich creaminess of American superfatted ice creams, you'll need a ice cream maker or be particularly diligent about repeatedly whipping it into shape.


Katong Gal said...

Umm... no photo? Then we could put this recipe in the proposed book.

Mandy said...

I do have some photos...just in Mum's camera so will try and download this weekend. I did remember the cookbook project :). However I'm not anywhere near as good a photographer as you sadly.