Thursday, January 01, 2009

A New Year Begins

I managed to get up and out of the house for 7.30am new year's day mass and then went to the gym for a Body Pump class. It felt good. It was also the first day this week I wasn't feeling quite as flu-ish since I came down with a cold at the start of the week.

My resolution has been to pay more attention to my faith life particularly by nurturing my prayer life both through personal prayer time and community prayer ie the mass mainly or some bible sharing sessions but let's see what else comes along. There's always the Rempang project which i've volunteered to go on with my two friends.

And my other resolution was to start going to the gym again to attend Body Pump and Pilates and yoga classes. It's been a good four to five years since I went to a Body Pump class so it took a while for my muscle memory to kick in and I remembered all the old moves, the clean and press etc. It felt very good to have completed the class and I've had lots more energy the rest of today. Now to keep it up for the rest of the year!


Katong Gal said...

You back to Planet Fitness?

Mandy said...

It's now called True Fitness and I don't like the new decor but well, it was still the best option around in terms of value for money plus has the classes i like.