Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Poetry Exercise: Enjambments & Caesuras

The next exercise for crafting poetry is to write run-on lines (otherwise known as enjambed lines) and write in some pauses (caesuras) on top of a basic iambic pentameter couplet. So I first wrote a set of five couplets in straight iambic pentameter with end stopped lines and a second set as a variation on the first with enjambments and caesuras. The subjects were given by Stephen Fry.

1. Precisely what you see and hear outside your window

end stopped:
I sit and hear a car and bike roll past.
I see a tree with leaves so green give shade.

A bike goes swish. A car roars past. But green
Remains the tree. In silence growing strong.

2. Precisely what you would like to eat right this minute.
NB: since I did this exercise right after lunch I wasn't hungry but wanted a nice drink so that's what I wrote about.

end stopped:
A cappucino would be nice to sip
Or cold green tea sans sucre oh so sweet

A frothy drink, all steaming hot, would suit
Me fine. Or else a tea, all icy green. Sweet.

3. Precisely what you last remember dreaming about:

end stopped:
I really don't remember what I dream
I fall asleep and wake and all is gone

The dark enfolds: I fall asleep. Enwrapped
am I till dawn. Then sunbeams wake: all dreams are gone.

4. Precisely what uncompleted chores are niggling at you:

end stopped:
My income tax forms call out to be filled.
And my computer desk so old discard.

More tax, more tax - more papers still remain
Unfilled. Computer desk so old it must go soon.

5. Precisely what you hate about your body

end stopped:
I wish I had a slimmer tum and arms
More hair but not upon my legs but head

Tight abs: not me! Nor toned, taut arms. Alas,
My hair: it falls but grows too slow. O me.


Katong Gal said...

Nice, I like the car/bike/green tree one. And also the green tea one, for that matter.

Mandy said...

Thank you. I'm now battling with the next exercise which you've done and I'm sure you know is much tougher.